Why You Should Attend


An awesome experience and TASTE of the rich Luo culture and Art in one place!

Exhibitions and interactions leaving with you a deeper understanding and appreciation of the rich Luo culture and Art.

Better involvement, participation and engagement of the Luo community and friends of Luo in preserving, nurturing and promotion of the Luo culture and Art.

An experience of the rich, diverse and inclusive cultural heritage of Canada, an experience that Canada is identified with globally and abundantly prides herself in.

Being part of the First Experience

A global Luo Convention of this make, stature and performance is a first in Canada. Be part of a First and Memorable Experience! From traditional delicacies to the rich Luo culture and Art, come share this Experience!

It’s a Learning and Educational Experience

Come share, learn and educate yourself to the rich Luo Culture and Art.


Interact, mingle and ensconce yourself in the rich Luo culture and Art, listening in, discovering, associating with, tasting and jigging to this awesome experience.

An Engaging Experience

Come engage, share and explore the diversity in our ethnicity.

A Canada Experience

Canada is identified with globally and abundantly prides herself in the rich, diverse and inclusive cultural heritage with a beautiful natural scenery setting Canada apart.

For many, this is a first Experience in Canada, Ontario and to Toronto City, one of the most welcoming and diverse cities in the World!

Who’s attending?

– Luo community and Friends of Luo
– Community, Cultural/traditional and religious leaders
– Civil Society and Development partners working in and with the Luo community
– Businesses, corporations and entrepreneurs
– Everyone and Everybody