Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

In order to successfully hold the Luo Convention 2025, Luo Foundation will collect contact and personal information about registrants through conference registration forms. The achievement of the conference’s objectives involves, among other things, communicating with and determining the needs of registrants, processing payment relating to attendance at events or event related services and products.

Personal information is any information about an “identifiable individual” that can be used to distinguish, identify or contact a specific individual. Business contact information such as information on your business card and certain publicly available information, such as names, addresses and telephone numbers as published in telephone directories are not considered personal information under federal legislation of Canada. Information about corporations is not considered personal information.

Where an individual provides his or her home address to Luo Foundation as their business contact information, Luo Foundation considers it to be business contact information, and is therefore not subject to protection as personal information.

Completion and submission of the registration form to Luo Foundation provides your consent to Luo Foundation to collect your personal information associated with your registration in order to communicate with you, process your conference registration and make any arrangements with third party service providers pertaining to your participation at the Luo Convention 2025 (including the provision of this personal information necessary to complete your registration or any aspect of your participation).  Agreements are in place with these third-party suppliers to ensure compliance with this policy and applicable privacy laws.

A list of participants, including contact information, may be produced and distributed to registrants. Unless a registrant objects, his/her contact information shall be used for these purposes. Contact information may include a registrant’s name, title, department, organization, address, telephone number, and email address as provided on the conference registration form. If a registrant does not consent, then his/her contact information shall be used by Luo Foundation solely for purposes of communicating with the registrant and shall not be provided to anyone else, except as provided for above to process the registration. In the event a registrant does not complete the Collection, Use and Disclosure of Information Section, the submission of a conference registration form constitutes the consent of a registrant to the use of his or her contact information for these purposes.

In accordance with Canada’s anti-spam laws, Luo Foundation will require expressed consent to contact you for commercial purposes outside of your participation at the Luo Convention 2025. Acceptance of these terms and conditions are mandatory for the Luo Convention registration, and thus do not indicate your expressed consent for future communications. This consent will be collected separately during all Luo Foundation event registrations. Except as previously noted, your information will not be provided to any third party.

Luo Foundation will retain personal information provided to them only for so long as it is required for the purposes stated above. Information about a former registrant is not actively maintained.

Photo and Video Release

Photographs and video may be taken by the Conference organizers at Luo Convention 2025 and the Conference organizers may use them in news or promotional materials whether in print, electronic format or other media, including the conference website. By participating in Luo Convention 2025, you grant Luo Foundation the right to use your name, photograph and/or video recording for such purposes. If you do not want Luo Foundation to use your image, please contact us at

Special Requirements (Dietary, Accessibility, Other)

If you need special accommodations or have specific mobility or dietary needs or allergies, please indicate those items when you register on-line. All catered functions will provide vegetarian options if previously requested.

If you have any questions about your registration, please contact us at

Force Majeure:

  • If, Luo Foundation is prevented from carrying out its obligations as it pertains to the Luo Convention you registered for as a result of any cause beyond its control, or such as the Luo Convention cannot be held or does not occur due to acts of God, strikes, labor disputes, government requisitions, restrictions or regulations on travel, hotel or facility availability, commodities or supplies, war or apparent act of war, terrorism, disaster, civil disorder, epidemic or pandemic, curtailment or restriction on transportation facilities, or any other comparable calamity, casualty or condition (collectively a “Force Majeure”) Luo Foundation shall have the right to immediately terminate the affected Luo Convention without liability and shall be relieved of its obligations to Registrant.
  • If the affected Luo Convention is terminated due to a Force Majeure occurrence before the first day of the Luo Convention, then Luo Foundation will reschedule the affected Luo Convention, if and as practical under the circumstances, and your registration fee will be applied to the rescheduled Luo Convention. If you are unable to attend the rescheduled Luo Convention, then you may transfer the registration fee you paid, upon written notification to Luo Foundation management, towards another Luo Convention, which is scheduled to held within 13 months from the date of the affected Luo Convention. Luo Foundation reserves the right, at its discretion, to approve or deny such registration fee transfer requests. If there is a difference in the registration fees between the affected Luo Convention and the alternative Luo Convention, the difference in the registration fees will be charged or refunded, as applicable, on the credit, you used to register for the affected Luo Convention.